Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, March 26, 2012

Declaration of Thought 2012

If I sit still enough, above all other sound, I can hear echoes of past lessons. I can choose to review the seemingly insignificant moments lost in each of my days, in frightening color. I can reflect upon a journey that fertilizes the desire to smile from the inside out; to live braver than I believe possible; to force light to shine in darkness. I can elect passengers to take flight from societal bounds. My path is clear. I am a change agent. I am a dream developer. I am community.

Reality has frequently served as an impasse, crushing one’s will to be different and confining thoughts to an ostensibly literal box. Everyday I have the privilege to listen to life stories and marry the moral of each fable to my walk. I hear dialogue suggesting that nothing will ever change; that individual success trumps community growth; and that praise today is sooo much better than preserving praise for tomorrow.

I wake each morning steadfast as a servant leader to the pessimistic … to the defeated.  Subsequently, I have been thoughtful about how voices come to be silenced. I’m perplexed while questioning how more hours are filled completing someone else’s goals while ignoring mines – your passion.  There’s an obvious resound that goals of family, life, and success are now formed from viable possibility and not from the latent dreams you have innocuously suppressed. Clichés supplemented by empty actions keeps status quo, society in line, the oppressed repressed, and Trayvon a movement instead of a philosophy of life.  Leaders have let change become idea and not a guarantee.

Today, I am resigned to smile each day with eyes small enough to clearly see the world. I am resigned to be grateful for small accomplishments and shifts in thought. I assert myself to be the contraceptive for a generation breeding contentment and glorification of attainability versus possibility. I pride myself on being at the helm amplifying understanding for the misunderstood. This is my declaration and re-dedication to pursue passionate happiness and respect for my voice.

With sincerity of heart – this entry is respectfully  dedicated.